Our Groves

Citrus Products of Belize Ltd has strategically maintained a share of the Belizean citrus industry fruit supply, averaging around 20% since 2000, by way of its own groves planted in the salubrious Stann Creek Valley and the Cayo District, all within 100 miles of the processing facilities, some right across the road. With the ownership of the company in the hands of the local citrus farmers, via the Belize Citrus Growers Association, business sustainability and high levels of fruit quality are driving forces which the company uses to produce quality products to the benefit of our customers and stakeholders alike.

Our Fruit Logistics Department is constantly working in unison with the Belize Citrus Growers Association year round to ensure maximum fruit production and quality from year to year. At the onset of the growing season, groves across the country are sampled and evaluated for estimated annual production and quality, and based on fruit variety and rootstock, programs are set in motion to allow the farmers highest possible yields and as a result greater quality of fruits to be processed. This grower outreach approach is practiced throughout the growing season ensuring continued commitment to quality.